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Mrs. A. Cross

Obviously your writer had made no particular study into the Court House, otherwise he would have found that the beams have been lime-washed in order to try to limit incursions by Deathwatch beetle. It would have been nice to have had the timbers exposed, if they had been new,but because of except for the parlous state of them, most are like sponge, they need the lime to keep the ravages of weather at bay. If they had been painted in bitumenous black, this would have sealed in the damp, and allowed rotting from inside out, at least the lime allows the wood to breathe. Mrs. A. Cross, Court House, cowgrove, Wimborne.

Strolling Guide

You are quite right, I am but a humble photographer and no expert on timber-framed buildings. Cleary the 'breathable' nature of lime wash (provided it hasn't been mixed with Casein, Tallow or Raw Linseed Oil to help it stick), could help control dampness, the chief cause of death-watch beetle. But, on the other hand, what lets water out must also let it in, so the difference between lime washing and leaving the timbers untreated must be fairly marginal. Clearly black bitumen would be inappropriate, however. If overall lime washing is the only practical solution, then so be it. But for me, as a photographer, it is still an aesthetic disaster, and should be avoided if at all possible.

Many Thanks.

Anthony Houghton

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