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Strolling Guide

@Peter Little Thanks for your comment, which adds little to what you posted back in 2007. I never said I believed the tale, which after all comes from a book called Ghosts and Legends of Northumbria. However, the occupants of the hermitage appear to have tried to make the chapel look like a church, and I have yet to visit a church with a permanent nativity scene next to the altar. This space is, more often or than not, occupied by the table tomb and effigy of some prominent medieval dignitary, and that's what it looks like to me.


If anyone thinks the legend of the Hermitage is true then think again;the Bertram in the tale could not have killed his brother as he never had one,this is purely a tail written by a Bishop Percy to try and get the Percy's of Alnwick to accept him as one of their family;they never did. The Hermitage is simply a chantry chapel built on the estate with a paid incumbant in it to say devotions for the Percy family,and the carving it probably a nativity. PETER THE FORMER BOATMAN TO THE HERMITAGE.

Strolling Guide

Why must there be one? As far as I can tell the land to the north is all in private ownership and there is no right of access to that side of the river. I think what you missed is the fact that most of the British countryside is not accessible to the general public.

Keith Wise

Anyone tried to access the hermitage overland from the south bank ? Why is the route (there must be one) kept so secret ? I tried and failed. What did I miss ? Keith

Strolling Guide

I must try that next time I up that way ;-)

tony trainspotter

if you climb the nearby tree then hang from the third branch up by your feet it clearly becomes the nativity....

Strolling Guide

I will freely admit that I don't know anything about the history of the Hermitage or the story of Bertram which I nicked from 'Ghosts and Legends of Northumbria' (a work of no great academic status). However, as a photographer I do know about looking at things, and that looks like a carving of a grave slab to me.

peter Little

On the whole what is writen is correct, however if looked at correctly then the nativity is clear, as to the tale of Bertram, fiction,how could he kill his brother when the Bertram of the time had none. The tale was compile by a bishop Percy who wanted to be accepted by the family as on of their own, but as he was of trading class they rejected his claim.As the former custodian of this site, having served 11yrs I think I know more than most.

Many Thanks.

Anthony Houghton

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